Monday, December 08, 2008

Five Essential Success Steps

A life without direction, without ambition, dreams and aspirations, could be a life half lived. Establish direction in your life, achieve your dreams and be very happy.

How do you maximize your chances of goal success?

Step 1. Life Review

Complete a thorough life review list. Gain a better understanding of your life including values, strengths, weaknesses & more. Determine the things you like and those you dislike and make a list of ten items each. Refine the information into key elements, rank your list and focus on the top three. Set a vision from these three key likes and dislikes and create a picture of where you want to be, those parts of your life you want changed and those parts you do not want changed. Use repetition techniques (say your vision to yourself 20 times daily) to reinforce your vision. Look beyond you current situation and lock your vision into your future.

Step 2. Goals

Develop Goal/s, based on the Life Review to achieve the changes or desires reviewed. Each goal should be summed up in one sentence. Goals need to be achievable (with a stretch), not open to interpretation, and set with boundaries of time and clear definition of success. Do not set goals which are truly beyond reach. If you have large incredible goals, break the goal up into short and long term goals. Set key dates and have clear descriptions of what you will do to achieve the goal by the set date. Don't be lazy, write it all down. Cement the goals into your conscious and subconscious mind. Repeat the goal to your self constantly, when awake and when asleep. If possible, dream of your goal/s.

Step 3. Actions

Develop the actions which will result in the achievement of the Goal/s. Using proper 'goal action' building techniques to ensure effectiveness. Your Action plan must include descriptions, dates, steps, responsibilities, what, how and when. Develop a thorough & effective plan to take you from A to B. Remember 'actions create outcomes', activity will only keep you busy. An action is defined as a completed task which gets you one step closer to total goal achievement. It may not be perfect, it may come across hurdles, don't let that stop you. Get started, don't procrastinate. Stop making up excuses. Make a list of all the actions, cross them off when completed. Use a diary if beneficial.

Step 4. Thinking
Review the journey to success. Is it working? What needs to change? Is your thinking process optimized? Create 'Positive Thought Statements' (words which empower you) to keep you motivated and complete the set goals. Set benchmark dates. Read material which will help you better understand and achieve the goal in mind. Measure your progress, review all obstacles and create solutions to move around or over them. Seek support where required from friends, family or from professionals such as Life Coaches. Continue to reinforce the goal in your mind. Believe in yourself and the achievement of your goal.

Step 5. Successful completion

When the goal is met to your satisfaction, celebrate the achievement. Be flexible, if you set an incredible goal (i.e. one which most of the population could not achieve) and you achieve 80% of the goal, that is truly a remarkable achievement. Cement the accomplishment, reward the effort and build on the success. What have you learnt about yourself? Review the Goal Success inline with your vision. Are your true expectations met? Be proud of what you have accomplished, whether it is big or small. Move onto the next big item in your life. Learn everyday, about yourself and the world around you.

- by Life Coach Leo