Couple of years ago I happened to read this quote "Leaders Are Readers". The quote made a favorable impression on me. Although Charles Jones had coined this quote but I ensured that it was committed to my memory as I realized that the key to expanding one's knowledge is by reading. Perhaps not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. If that's true, then why don't more people read?
There are a variety of reasons why people don’t read as much as they should. They feel that it's not their responsibility after they finish school whereas others don't read because they are simply indolent. On an average people read about 1-2 books per year.
In fact it is the responsibility of an individual to inculcate the discipline of reading within them after finishing school. One’s mind should be open to grab knowledge because knowledge is that wealth an individual can acquire and store in his brain where no thief can come and touch it.
Successful people have got successful vocabulary and they ensure that reading a book on 'Self Improvement' for half an hour everyday is itself inspiring as it sets the spiritual tone for the rest of the day and it pays to increase one's word power by not only keeping the channels of communication open but to also express more completely as individuals.
I hope each one of us becomes voracious readers. A book a month will keep you even. It takes effort, but it's worth it. It takes regular, persistent reading and studying for one to improve and climb the ladder of success. The journey is indeed rewarding and also a voyage of discovery.
The daily practice of reading in our chosen field will make us one of the best informed people in our field. So, let's decide and make reading as our resolution. A resolution that may require a lifestyle change from being better to the best.
Author: Unknown