Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is Confidence, Trust & Hope ?

Once all village people
decided to pray for rain. On
the day of prayer all people
gathered and only one boy came
with an umbrella...... that's

Trust should be like the
feeling of a one year old baby
when you throw him in the air;
he laughs.....because he knows
you will catch him........ That's Trust............

Every night we go to bed, we
have no assurance to get up
alive in the next morning but
still we have plans for the
coming day..........that's Hope..........

Keep Smiling....

Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Build Trust & Develop Relationships with Clients and Employees That Last a Lifetime

When it comes to customer loyalty, nothing is more important than the trust you develop with your customers. Research from Texas A & M University says if customers see you as being trustworthy and reliable and if customers see you fulfilling your promises then they will become enthusiastic customers for life.

The same is true with your co-workers. If your employees see you telling the truth, even when it's not easy or comfortable to do so then you'll build an incredible bond of trust with them. And with that bond of trust will come more cooperation and motivation. 

The lesson is clear. If you want your customers to remain loyal, you must earn and keep their trust. If you want a stronger team at work, you have to build a foundation of trust. 

So trust is your ultimate competitive advantage. 

Now, how do you build or re-build trust? 

4 Ways to Build Trust, Gain Loyalty & Retain Employees and Customers for Life :

1. Assume The Best About Your Employees And Customers :
When something goes wrong, or when the other person disappoints you, start by assuming the best. Don't immediately jump into the fray, pound your desk, froth at the mouth, and demand to know why your employees or customers did something so stupid.

Instead, honor the other person. Rather than focus on WHO's to blame for what went wrong, focus on WHAT can be done about it. That takes the focus off the past and off the other person. It puts the focus onto the future where the two of you can work together.

Besides, if you jump in too quickly, blaming someone for what happened, you'll often embarrass yourself. You may find out that you're really the one to blame for the problem that occurred. 

2. Stick Up For Your Customers Or Employees When They're In The Right :
You build trust when you speak out on someone's behalf, especially when it's not politically popular or interpersonally comfortable. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."

I'll never forget the time I chaired the task force of a charitable organization. Over a period of time, it came to my attention that the organization had misused funds on several occasions. My task force members urged me to confront the Board and document my findings. They would be there to back me up. 

I did that, but not one of the task force members backed me up when the top leaders lashed out in defense and aggression. If nothing else, I learned that Dr. King was right. It was the silence of my "friends" that I remember the most today.

3. Refuse To Gossip :
There's something very alluring, and maybe even a little satisfying, about sharing a negative tidbit. It may make you feel a bit superior, but you've got to fight the urge to add to the gossip and the people bashing that may go on in the company cafeteria or behind a customer's back. You just can't do it.

The reason is simple. 

Negative gossip almost always gets back to the person you are discussing. That's just the nature of juicy, negative, sensationalized news. And to make matters worse, the version that gets back to the person you discussed is almost always worse than the version you shared. 

4. Keep Your Promises :

Nothing destroys trust faster than failing to keep your promises. 

Think about it. No one ever forgets a promise. You tell your child you'll take her to the amusement park, and she'll remind you fifteen times that "you promised." 

You tell a colleague that you'll get back to him, and he sees it as a promise. You tell a client, that an assignment will be finished by tomorrow and she sees it as a promise. And it doesn't work to go back to them and say you forgot or you got busy. In their minds, you broke your promise, and the trust between the two of you is damaged.

So, if you want to build trust, the solution is simple. Keep your promises.

A Final Thought :

Don't get discouraged, if you're in the process of building or re-building trust in a relationship. Trust takes time. 

Just as it takes more than one block to build a fortress, it takes more than one action to build trust. It takes a lot of blocks, put down … over time … to get the results you want. It works the same way when you're building trust. 

Go ahead and use the four trust building blocks I've just given you and you will: 

- Become a better leader and manager
- Retain your employees – (Don't forget high employee turn-over = higher costs)
- Keep your customers who want to buy from you over and over again for life
- Achieve more than you ever thought possible 

And, it's all because trust is the "ultimate competitive advantage."

- By Alan Zimmerman

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Anything Is Possible

Believe in Yourself,
and Remember that
Anything Is Possible

Believe in what makes you feel good.
Believe in what makes you happy.
Believe in the dreams you've always wanted to come true,
and give them every chance to.

Life holds no promises
as to what will come your way.
You must search for your own ideals
and work towards reaching them.

Life makes no guarantees as to what you'll have.
It just gives you time to make choices
and to take chances
and to discover whatever secrets might come your way.

If you are willing to take the opportunities you are given
and utilize the abilities you have,
you will constantly fill your life
with special moments and unforgettable times.

No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning,
but for those who are willing
to believe in their dreams and in themselves,
life is a precious gift in which anything is possible.

- Dena DiIaconi

Friday, May 27, 2011

Motivational Story - Pray, Aim High and Stay Focused!!!

There once was a man who had nothing for his family to eat. He had an old rifle and three bullets. So, he decided that he would go out hunting and kill some wild game for dinner.As he went down the road, he saw a rabbit. He shot at the rabbit and missed it. The rabbit ran away.Then he saw a squirrel and fired a shot at the squirrel and missed it. The squirrel disappeared into a hole in a cottonwood tree.

As he went further, he saw a large wild “Tom” turkey in the tree, but he had only one bullet remaining. A voice spoke to him and said, “Pray first, aim high and stay focused.”

However, at the same time, he saw a deer which was a better kill. He brought the gun down and aimed at the deer. But, then he saw a rattlesnake between his legs about to bite him, so he naturally brought the gun down further to shoot the rattlesnake. Still, the voice said again to him, “I said ‘Pray, Aim high and Stay focused.” So, the man decided to listen to God’s voice.

He prayed, then aimed the gun high up in the tree and shot the wild turkey. The bullet bounced off the turkey and killed the deer. The handle fell off the gun and hit the snake in the head and killed it. And, when the gun had gone off, it knocked him into a pond. When he stood up to look around, he had fish in all his pockets, a dead deer and a turkey to eat for his family.

The snake (Satan) was dead simply because the man listened to God.

Moral of the story:

Pray first before you do anything, Aim and shoot high in your goals, and stay focused on God.

Never let others discourage you concerning your past. The past is exactly that, “the past.”

Live every day one day at a time and remember that only God knows our future and that he will not put you through any more than you can bear. 

Do not look to man for your blessings, but look to the doors that only He has prepared in advance for you in your favor.

Wait, be still and patient: keep God first and everything else will follow.

- Author Unknown

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quick Tips to Improve Self Confidence

Here are some quick tips to improve your Self Confidence. If we are committed to have a healthy self confidence there are many things you can do every day to boost your self confidence, each small steps that will help you to reach your goal. The good news is that self-esteem is not fixed and can be improved, try some of the steps below to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

1) Identify your successes. Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized.

2) Look in the mirror and smile. Studies surrounding what's called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run.

3) Exercise and eat healthy. Exercise raises adrenaline and makes one feel happier and healthier. It is certainly an easy and effective way to boost your self-confidence.

4) Turn feelings of envy or jealousy into a desire to achieve. Stop wanting what others have just because they have it; seek things simply because you want them, whether anybody else has them or not.

5) When you're feeling superbly insecure, write down a list of things that are good about you. Then read the list back. You'd be surprised at what you can come up with.

6) Don't be afraid to push yourself a bit - a little bit of pressure can actually show just how good you are!

7) You can try taking a martial arts or fitness class/course (or both). This will help build confidence and strength.

8) Invest in some new clothing and donate some of your old clothing to send a message to yourself that you both look sharp and feel sharp.

9) Try to make yourself talk positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying you can't do something, stop and say you can. Unless you try, you will never know whether you are able to or not.

10) Don't get wrapped up in your mistakes and dwell on bad points; they can contrast your good points or even give you something to improve. There's no feeling like being good at something you were really bad at.

11) Don't confuse what you have with who you are. People degrade their self worth when comparing possessions.

12) Surround yourself with nurturing friends, not overly critical individuals who make you feel inadequate or insecure. This could do great harm and damage to your self confidence.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Four P's of Persuasion

Perception Is Everything :
There are four "Ps" that will enhance your ability to persuade others in both your work and personal life. They are power, positioning, performance, and politeness. And they are all based on perception.

Develop Personal Power :
The first "P" is power. The more power and influence that a person perceives that you have, whether real or not, the more likely it is that that person will be persuaded by you to do the things you want them to do. For example, if you appear to be a senior executive, or a wealthy person, people will be much more likely to help you and serve you than they would be if you were perceived to be a lower level employee.

Shape Their Thinking About You :
The second "P" is positioning. This refers to the way that other people think about you and talk about you when you are not there. Your positioning in the mind and heart of other people largely determines how open they are to being influenced by you.

In everything you do involving other people, you are shaping and influencing their perceptions of you and your positioning in their minds. Think about how you could change the things you say and do so that people think about you in such a way that they are more open to your requests and to helping you achieve your goals.

Be Good At What You Do :
The third "P" is performance. This refers to your level of competence and expertise in your area. A person who is highly respected for his or her ability to get results is far more persuasive and influential than a person who only does an average job.

Commit to Excellence :
The perception that people have of your performance capabilities exerts an inordinate influence on how they think and feel about you. You should commit yourself to being the very best in your field. Sometimes, a reputation for being excellent at what you do can be so powerful that it alone can make you an extremely persuasive individual in all of your interactions with the people around you. They will accept your advice, be open to your influence and agree with your requests.

Treat People Politely :
The fourth "P" of persuasion power is politeness. People do things for two reasons, because they want to and because they have to. When you treat people with kindness, courtesy and respect, you make them want to do things for you. They are motivated to go out of their way to help you solve your problems and accomplish your goals.

Being nice to other people satisfies one of the deepest of all subconscious needs, the need to feel important and respected. Whenever you convey this to another person in your conversation, your attitude and your treatment of that person, he or she will be wide open to being persuaded and influenced by you in almost anything you need.

Perception Is Reality :
Again, perception is everything. The perception of an individual is his or her reality. People act on the basis of their perceptions of you. If you change their perceptions, you change the way they think and feel about you, and you change the things that they will do for you.

- By: Brian Tracy

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Tips to Get Organized & Energized

Organize Life & Feel Great

Change life by taking action to get organized and energized! Inaction leads to anxiety. Action gets things done. The sooner you take action, the faster you feel great. Overwhelm is common. It does not make you any less of a person. It is all in how you deal with it that counts. 

Follow these 10 tips to get organized and energized, then begin!

1 - Get your ‘to do’ list out of your head and into a system - Your brain is more efficient with less clutter just like a computer. Go through the areas of your home and jot down what needs to be done in each area.

2 - Set your priorities - What needs to be handled first? What is draining your energy more than anything else? What is most important? Mark your priorities. When it comes to clutter clearing off a countertop, table top, or the floor can be very motivating once you see the difference. It energizes you to continue forward.

3 - Begin with one small space you know you can do - Overwhelm causes paralysis so shift thoughts to a place that supports you to take action. Instead of focusing on the ‘can’t’ focus on the ‘can’. Choose one small area that you know you can do.

4 - Everything has a home - Give every item a home. Choose a home that is convenient, saves you time, and makes sense. Hardware with hardware. School supplies with school supplies. The hammer is not in a living room drawer (unless, of course, it makes sense).

5 - Some tasks are easier than you think - If you watch tv in the evening pull out a drawer or grab a pile. Sort through it as quickly as possible, clean it, and put it back nice and neat. Just like that!

6 - Get your head in the game - Focus on what it will look like at completion. Thinking of the task itself may bring up negative thoughts and feelings whereas seeing the space as you want it can work as a magnet to pull you in action towards that ideal end result.

7 - Move through clutter quickly - Sort into piles and have boxes/ bags handy for: trash, donations, give aways, recycling, things to sell, things going to another space, etc. Avoid the temptation to reminisce long on what you find. It can steal your time.

8 - Rejuvenate and reward yourself - Take breaks every 90 minutes to rejuvenate. Reward yourself along the way. Take time to feel good about what you are accomplishing. Remember how great it feels and allow that to motivate you in days to come.

9 - Put systems in place to maintain - When you create a home for something inform other family members. When you add new shoes, clothing item, kitchen item, toy, etc. to a cabinet or closet get rid of something.

10 -Begin! Begin! Begin!

Organize life one step at a time. You can do it! Take action to create the environment you get excited to come home to…Starting Now!

- By Beth Tabak

Monday, May 23, 2011

Never Let Go Of Hope

One day you will see that it all has finally come together.

What you have always wished for has finally come to be.

You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself,
"How did I get through all of that?"

Just never let go of hope.

Just never quit dreaming.

And never let love depart from your life.

- Jancarl Campi

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Take the Time…..

Take time to Love… 
It is the secret of eternal youth! 
Take time to laugh… 
It is the music of the heart! 
Take time to cry… 
It is the sign of a large heart! 
Take time to read… 
It is the source of knowledge! 
Take the time to hear… !
It is the power of Intelligence
Take time to think… 
It is the key of success! 
Take time to play…
It is the freshness of childhood! 
Take time to dream… 
It is the breath of happiness! 
Take time TO LIVE… Because time passes… QUICKLY And NEVER returns! 
Happy road to life my friends

- Unknown

Friday, May 20, 2011

Seven Formulas For Business Success

Visualize Your Goals :
There are seven formulas for business success. Number one, set a specific goal and visualize it as a reality. Play the picture of your goal as already realized on the screen of your mind over and over again. Number two, look for a problem you can solve with a product or service that is high quality and good value. All successful businesses are based on products or services that are high quality and good value. Number three, start small and learn your business thoroughly. Be patient. Invest time rather than a lot of mo ney.

Bootstrap Your Way To Success :
One of the best ways to build a business is to start off on a bootstrap. This means that you start off with very little mo ney and you grow your business with the mo ney that you ear n in the business, rather than outside financing, borr owing, l oans from friends and so on.

Test, Test, Test :
Number four, test every major move before you invest in it. Test, test, test. Don't plunge into a business. Move ahead carefully, one step at a time. Number five, expand on the basis of your successes, out of your profits, as you move along. In other words, only expand your business on mo ney that you've earned in the business, not on borrowed capital.

Pick Your People Carefully :
Number six, carefully select the people to help you expand and grow. The biggest mistakes you'll ever make will be in picking the wrong people to work with, so be very, very careful in picking the people you're going to work with in your business.

Use Financial Leverage :
And number seven, use fin ancial leverage. Fin ancial leverage is business borr owing, lines of cre dit from the bank, which are based on the cas h flow from your successful business. The whole aim of starting a business is to develop a consistent, predictable source of cas h flow in excess of cost and expenses and then to hold to the mo ney. Banks will lend you all the mo ney that you can service as deb t with your cas h flow.

Start Off Part Time :
One final thing that you can do, and I've recommended that many people do this over the years, is if you're starting off with no mo ney, go to work part-time for a business in a field that interests you. It's a great form of on-the-job training. Work evenings or work week ends. Or work on your holidays if you like. 

Sometimes a business that looks big from the outside will look terrible once you start working for it. But sometimes when you start working for a business, you start to get a great understanding of how it works and you get insights on how you can improve it.

Learn What You Need To Learn :
Remember this, though, most businesses fail because of manager incompetence. So take the time to learn what you need to know to succeed. Be patient. The time you invest before you start will pay off over and over again in the months and years ahead.

By: Brian Tracy

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Believe In Yourself

When you Really want something,
sometimes you have to swim a little deeper....
You can't give up just because things don't come easy....
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears....
But in the end, it's all worth while! Life is full of ups and downs,
but if you believe in yourself you will always come through with
flying color....Value friendship, love and faith....
Never underestimate yourself.
Believe in yourself.....!

Have a Good Life!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 PM, an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her - generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab. She seemed to be in a big hurry! She wrote down his address, thanked him and drove away.

Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes but my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."


* Offer help to anyone who needs it

* Thank others for helping you.

* If you help someone. Someone will help you.

If everyone does just these, the whole world will live in happiness.

- Author Unknown

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leadership Lessons from Everyday Life

"Leadership is a capability that each of us has within us. It is formed as we take on the opportunities and challenges of everyday life, and it is measured by our successes and failures. It is my belief and experience that the leadership lessons we learn in our everyday lives can and should be carried with us into our work environments, and that they can help us become better leaders of our people. As I have reflected on leadership over the years based on my own experiences across several countries and continents, I have been inspired by people everywhere, irrespective of their country or their socioeconomic status, who exemplify the true qualities of leadership. And they do so by the strength of their character and their authenticity -- by the way they live their lives every day." 

- By Vinita Bali

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Law of Ambition

Leaders have an intense desire to lead; they have a clear vision of a better future, which they are determined to realize. Vision is the one common quality that separates leaders from non-leaders. Leaders have a clear picture of the kind of future they want to create, and they have the ability to communicate this vision to others in an exciting and inspiring way. 

Key Responsibility of Leadership :
People may work steadily for a paycheck, but they perform at high levels only when they are inspired by a vision of some kind. The development and articulation of this vision is a key responsibility of leadership. 

Leaders Visualize :
Leaders have the ability to visualize, to see the big picture and then to inspire others to work together to make it a reality. The true leader sees leadership as a tool he or she can use to bring about a result that is bigger and more important than any single individual. 

Become a Leader : 
You become a leader when you set a goal, make a plan, and then throw your whole heart into making it a reality. You become a leader when you develop an inspiring vision for yourself and others. You become a leader when you know exactly where you want to go, why you want to get there, and what you have to do to achieve your vision. 

Leaders Explain :
Leaders can explain clearly to other people what it is they are trying to accomplish, why they are trying to accomplish it, and how they are going to bring it about. They are eager to get results and they are impatient with delays. They are excited about what they are doing, and as a result, they get other people excited as well. Leaders have goals, plans, and strategies that they are working to implement every day. They are in a hurry. They have a lot to do and they feel that they have too little time. 

Clarity :
Perhaps the most important part of ambition is clarity on the part of the leader. The leader has a clear vision, clear values, a clear vision, and clear, written goals, plans, and strategies for his or her department or organization. Most of all, leaders want to lead, to be in charge, to be responsible, to make things happen. They are willing to endure the risks and the sacrifices that are required to make a real difference in their worlds.

- By Brian Tracy 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Awakening, dawn's chorus
The day new, untouched
Waiting to be filled....

And will we paint a rainbow
With all its promise
Or dull the canvas
Sadly seen?

Each day brings its own colours
To be chosen, mixed,
Pigments of joy,
Happy moments,
Smiles and laughter....

And which will you choose?
For 'Life' is choice,
We are all painters
In our own way,
All needing to create
Something of worth,
Of lasting beauty,
Marking our journey....

Footprints in the sand....

The sky today is azure,
The sun warm and golden
A filigree of light and shadow-play
Through the gently swaying trees.

I clean my brushes,
Choose my palette
Of vibrant, living colours,
And begin to fill
Today's blank canvas

- By John McLeod

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Always Grab The First Opportunity.

A young man wished to marry the farmer's beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his permission. The farmer looked him over and said,

"Son, go stand out in that field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter."

The young man stood in the pasture awaiting the first bull.

The barn door opened and out ran the biggest, meanest-looking bull he had ever seen. He decided that one of the next bulls had to be a better choice than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate.

The barn door opened again. Unbelievable. He had never seen anything so big and fierce in his life. It stood pawing the ground, grunting, slinging slobber as it eyed him. Whatever the next bull was like, it had to be a better choice than this one. He ran to the fence and let the bull pass through the pasture, out the back gate.
The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest, scrawniest little bull he had ever seen. This one was his bull. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped at just the exact moment. He grabbed... but the bull had no tail!

Life is full of opportunities. Some will be easy to take advantage of, some will be difficult. But once we let them pass (often in hopes of something better), those opportunities may never again be available. 

So always grab the first opportunity.

- Author Unknown

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Most Valuable Asset

Your attitude can be your most valuable asset. For it is with your attitude that you make use of all the other assets. If you have a well-developed skill but don't take the initiative to use it, you might as well not even have that skill. If you have great opportunities and fail to take advantage of them, they won't be of any value to you. 

In fact, you do have more than enough intelligence and skill to reach any goal you set for yourself. You do have ways to access the resources necessary to achieve anything that you're fully committed to achieving. 

The defining factor is your attitude. Because your attitude determines what you do with each moment, and those moments, all added together, form the substance of your life. 

And your attitude is yours to choose. It ultimately depends not on any outside factors, but on what you decide to make it. 

You have a whole world full of good things going for you. Adopt an attitude that enables you to always make the best of what you have. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Motivates You to Take Action?

What prompts you to take action? Many of us seem to delay taking action until forced by outside circumstance. The natural outcome of procrastination is a hardship. I think we learn to postpone when we are growing up. Our parents literally have to force us to accomplish things that we do not want to do. Actions like cleaning our room, brushing our teeth, or sharing our toys are good examples. Of course, we need to learn to do these things, but we may forget or wait until the parent controls the action. The parent may even have to impose consequences in order to motivate us in the right direction.

By relying on the parent to force us to accomplish, we develop the habit of hesitance and rely on natural concerns before we take action. As adults, we no longer have the parent to enforce and govern responsibility. We must learn from our mistakes, and be spurred to take action. With the habit of relying on our parents to drive us (outside stimulus), we can end up being forced through life. We may delay on a project until an adverse effect comes along. We know that if we do not take action something will happen, but somehow we still delay until the incident. We seem to have a habit of delaying the inevitable, and using it as a motivational quality.

For example, say that you know that your roof is in need of repair, and you do not want to repair it or put out the money. Do you wait until your roof leaks before you fix it? How many times have you heard yourself think, “I knew that would happen”? How did you determine, and did you somehow wait or desire for it to happen? Did you understand the obligation, and refuse to be accountable, by taking the necessary steps to prevent it? When you finally came up with the adversity because of delaying, did you feel eased of making the decision? Did you in the end take the required steps because of the outside stimulus (the hardship) and how did you feel by utilizing this force?

We Do Have a Choice :
Many of us at least on occasion utilize outside factors to provoke ourselves by perceiving what we want to avoid. We may delay until the actual event occurs, (and now I have no choice). We discern natural consequences (what will happen if) and prompt ourselves with this process. This is effective motivation and it is internal. Is it healthy to arouse a feeling force to take action?

We may have to feel guilty, unequal, or pushed (place stress on ourselves) in order to force ourselves. Is this the best method to taking action toward what we want to avoid? If we feel forced, by working ourselves up, we can experience a touch of resentment. Just because we eventually take action using this method and avoid disaster this cannot promise a sense of achievement. We can think about what we don’t want differently, accepting that we always have options and that ultimately we choose.

Switch Your Outlook :
Any time we focus on what we want to avoid, we are going to have to force ourselves to succeed. If we change our focus, we generate a true inner-motivation to excel. Maybe we cannot eliminate thinking about what we want to avoid and this is a relevant thing. By understanding clearly what we prefer, we can think about what we do want to happen and utilize the “what will happen if, path” effectively. “I don’t want my roof to leak,” becomes “I would like my roof to be in good condition.” This changes the thought process and the “what will happen if” transforms with it. What will happen if I decide to fix the roof today? How will I feel if I take affirmative action now, with a willing attitude?

Emotionally driven pertains to what we do not want and to what we do want, and the link works. Whether we feel forced, or we strictly wait until we have few alternatives, we fulfill the need. There is a difference in these two leading factors. With one, we are affirming ourselves toward a clear, feel-good result. On the other angle, we make an effort to avoid harmful results. Using positive thinking and arousing a sense of security, we can more easily see our options, because at this point we feel we have a choice.

Tips to Overcome Feeling Forced :

* Pay close attention to your thoughts, and the avenue you are taking to motivate yourself.
* Recognize the way your thoughts are affecting how you feel.
* Try to rephrase your contemplations about what you don’t want. Break down the word “don’t” into “Do NOT” and remove the word NOT.
* Realize that you always have a choice and the various options that come with it.
* Think about what will happen if you think positive. Consider how you will feel by changing your outlook and inner-dialog.
* Understand that even though you may be unmotivated to do something, you can achieve without forcing yourself. You can let go of negative thinking and visualizing – you do have a choice.
* Think about how you developed the habit of procrastination. Take steps to change the habit into an avenue of positive fulfillment.
* Realize that stress and pressure cause resentment, guilt and overall low self-esteem.

- By Sandra Hendricks

Monday, May 09, 2011

Times of Great Consequence

Is there something that has you troubled, concerned or discouraged? That very same situation can just as realistically cause you to be hopeful and encouraged and positively successful.

The future has not happened yet, and the way it will unfold is completely open. Where there is the possibility for defeat and failure there is also the possibility for success and improvement.

Where much is at risk of being lost, there is much that can be gained. Times of great consequence are times of great opportunity. 

Just imagine what would happen if you could turn your perspective around. Just imagine it, and know that's precisely what you can do. 

You can make the decision to create the most positive outcome. You can make the commitment to focus the energy of the situation in a creative and productive direction. 

Instead of turning your eyes away from the difficulty, open your eyes to the powerful opportunity. Choose to envision your own best outcome, then choose to do whatever is necessary to make it happen.

- Unknown

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Word of Wisdom

Accept Change with a Smile.
Sooner or later you’ll experience
A crisis in your life,
And how you meet it will determine
Your future happiness and success.

Since the beginning of time,
Everyone has been called upon
To meet such a crisis.
A closer look will show you
That most “crisis situations”
Are opportunities to either advance
Or stay where you are.

In fact, most changes in your life
Will take place out of either
“inspiration” or “desperation.”
Whatever comes your way,
Give it meaning and transform it
Into something of value.

Your personal growth is the process
Of responding positively to change.

Friday, May 06, 2011


If I were to ask the question, Would you like to improve your productivity dramatically without working any longer or any harder? chances are pretty good that you would say, “That would be nice! I’d be more effective and I’d probably get a raise! I might even have more fun in the process.”

Question: How many of you, on the night before the day you were going on vacation, sat down and wrote out a list of the things you wanted to be certain to do before you left work the next day? Chances are extremely good that most of you would say you had done that. And most of you would also admit that you managed to complete more than twice the number of tasks you complete on a normal day.

Now think about this for a moment: If planning your job on the day before you go on vacation increases your productivity, doesn’t it make sense that if you were to spend a few minutes every day before you start your work day contemplating what is really important and what you really need to accomplish, that you would have the same great results? And the chances are excellent – definitely better than good – that this process will attract favorable attention, probably leading to more job security, perhaps a raise, and maybe even a significant promotion.

The reality is, productivity has a direct bearing on profitability, and all businesses are interested – very much so – in profits. Profitability comes from loyalty, productivity, and having a character base from which to work. So as you ponder this question, I hope you will seriously consider not only planning your schedule as you prepare to go on vacation, but that every day you will spend a few minutes before you go to work planning how you can be more effective that day It doesn’t take long to plan; it does take a lot of time not to plan, because without a plan of action, people will impose on your time with idle chatter and requests that take you away from the task at hand. Not only will you be less effective, but the effectiveness of the people, who take your time for casual chatter, or in some cases gossip, will be greatly reduced and everybody, including management and leadership, will be very unhappy about that.

Chances are good, regardless of the job market, the most productive people with the right attitude are the ones who really have more job security, and in most cases a better income. When you feel good about yourself and your productivity, you probably will also be performing better at home. 

When there is no job related stress you are more aware of your mate and children, if you are a parent. You will spend more time being better organized so you can spend more time having that balanced life that all of us are really interested in.

Planning for a balanced life will enable you to deal with the physical, the mental, and the spiritual aspects of your life. It will also enable you to develop more friendships, and stronger, better, more lasting relationships. There are many benefits that go with making the plan a daily part of your life. Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation. It will allow you to attend more of your children’s ball games or school functions as well.

A plan is always successful if the plan is good. And if you’ve been on the job for any length of time, you can develop a better plan of action so that everyone benefits from it. I’m talking about planning today for tomorrow’s future. Think about it. I promise you’ll be more productive, happier, healthier, and have a much better chance for increased income when you are secure in who you are, where you are, and what you’re doing. I sincerely hope you’ll take action immediately to get that plan into your daily life.

- By Zig Ziglar

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I Believe You Can Accomplish Anything You Choose

If you could see through my eyes,
I wonder what you'd be feeling right now,
Because I can see you standing
As you really are -

Powerful, sensitive, determined, and gracious.
I can see you achieving everything you choose to achieve.
I can see you being exactly who and what you want to be.
Look through my eyes for an instant,

And you'll see yourself
Conquering all limitations.
Look through my eyes,
And see who you really are

And what you are capable of.
You can accomplish anything --
I know you can.

- By Unknown

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Law of Integrity

Great business leadership is characterized by honesty, truthfulness, and straight dealing with every person, under all circumstances. This law requires that you be impeccably honest with yourself and others. As Emerson said, “Guard your integrity as a sacred thing. Nothing is at last sacred by the integrity of your own mind.” Integrity lies at the core of leadership, at the heart of the leader. Everything you do revolves around the person you really are inside. And the person you are inside is always demonstrated by your actions, the things you do and say. 

Leadership Defined :
Leadership has been defined as the “ability to get followers.” For people to follow you, to subordinate their interests to yours, they must be able to believe in you and be willing to commit their time, money, and energy to you. Leadership is therefore a trust conferred upon you by others. To earn this trust, to deserve this trust, you must be true to yourself. Only then can you live in truth with everyone else in your life and work. 

Be a Good Role Model :
Perhaps the most important thing you do as a leader is to be a good role model. Lead by example. Walk the talk. Live the life. Always carry yourself as though everyone is watching, even when no one is watching. Good leaders are completely reliable. People can take them at their word and trust that they will do what they say. They make promises carefully, and then always keep their word. 

Consistency : 
A key mark of integrity in human relations is consistency, both internal and external. The best leaders are consistent from one day to the next, from one situation to the next. Because of this internal consistency, these leaders are trusted. People know what to expect. There are no surprises. 

Two Basic Types of Leadership :
There are two basic types of leadership in business today, transactional and transformational. Transactional leadership is the ability to direct people, manage resources, and get the job done. But transformational leadership, the most important form of leadership today, is the ability to motivate, inspire, and bring people to higher levels of performance. 

Transformational Leadership :
Transformational Leadership is the ability to touch people emotionally, to empower them to be more and to contribute more than they ever have before. This ability enables transformational leaders to elicit extraordinary performance from ordinary people. 

- By Brian Tracy 

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Neighbourly Kindness Starts A Commitment To Kindness

A couple of months ago I was renting a house to work from. I was fairly well set up, but didn't own a lawn mower and after a week or two realised I would have to find some way to deal with the growing grass! Funds were short, and I was on a fairly tight budget which didn't extend to paying a lawn mowing company.

I was thinking about this one Sunday as the "Mr Whippy" ice cream van pulled up outside on the street. I hadn't had a Mr Whippy ice cream for years, and on impulse I grabbed my coin purse, shook it to gauge affordability, and headed outside. On the pavement were three young boys aged around 10 years playing. I think a couple of them may have been from next door, but I was new there and hadn't really met anyone yet.

It was a hot day and I asked them if they'd like an ice cream. "Yes, please," they replied enthusiastically. At that moment a fourth boy joined them from the neighboring house. Yes, please, he'd love one too!! As the universe would have it, there was just enough change to cover five ice creams. 

As I left the van, I heard the lady serving the boys say, "that was a really kind thing that lady did for you boys. Don't forget to thank her." I smiled as I went inside to carry on working.

I left for work that evening, and didn't return until the Tuesday morning. As I drove into the drive, I realised something was different.  Yes, my lawns had been mowed and my gardens had been weeded. I felt this enormous warmth rush into my heart and a smile stretch across my face. 

Instinctively, I knew my neighbors had done this for me, and went to thank them straight away.

How would they know that this act of kindness not only made a big difference to me.

- Posted by thebigkind 

Monday, May 02, 2011

The Three Factors of Time

Organize Your Life Around Your Family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals :
You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures.

Your Most Precious Resource :
Time is your most precious resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of higher value. All work requires time. And time is absolutely essential for the important relationships in your life. The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management immediately.

The Starting Point :
Personal time management begins with you. It begins with your thinking through what is really important to you in life. And it only makes sense if you organize it around specific things that you want to accomplish. You need to set goals in three major areas of your life. First, you need family and personal goals. These are the real reasons why you get up in the morning, why you work hard and upgrade your skills, why you worry about money and sometimes feel frustrated by the demands on your time.

Decide Upon Your Goals :
What are your personal and family goals, both tangible and intangible? A tangible family goal could be a bigger house, a better car, a larger television set, a vacation, or anything else that costs money. An intangible goal would be to build a higher quality relationship with your spouse and children, to spend more time with your family going for walks or reading books. Achieving these family and personal goals are the real essence of time management, and its major purpose.

How to Achieve Your Goals :
The second area of goals is your business and career goals. These are the "how" goals, the means by which you achieve your personal, "why" goals. 

How can you achieve the level of income that will enable you to fulfill your family goals? How can you develop the skills and abilities to stay ahead of 

the curve in your career? Business and career goals are absolutely essential, especially when balanced with family and personal goals.

Personal Development Goals :
The third type of goals is your personal development goals. Remember, you can't achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved and become on the inside. Your outer life will be a reflection of your inner life. If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and your career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. You must build yourself if you want to build your life. Perhaps the greatest secret of success is that you can become anything you really want to become to achieve any goal that you really want to achieve. But in order to do it, you must go to work on yourself and never stop.

- By Brian Tracy